AfB gemeinnützige GmbH/ Innenansicht eines aufgeschraubten offenen Rechners / AfB Arbeitsplatz

Our history

Since 2004 AfB has been a champion for social inclusion and environmental protection by refurbishing decommissioned IT hardware


AfB Social & Green IT receives the SDG-Special-Award 2019

Kurt Essler mit SDG Award, einer Frau und einem Mann auf dem Foto
(credits: photographer Werner Streitfelder): v.l.n.r. Mag. Andreas Zakostelsky, Member of the board - VBV Vorsorgekasse, Kurt Essler, Managing director - AfB, Moderator
Exterior view of the AfB shop in Paderborn.


Opening of the Recycling Centre in Paderborn.

Opening of the Logistics Location and Shop in Paderborn.


Nomination for the austrian CSR-Award TRIGOS 2016.

Nomination for the austrian clima protectrion Award.

Kick-off of the collaboration of AfB, Fujitsu and Diebold Nixdorf .

Kurt Essler bei Trigos 2025
ein AfB Auto mit Anhänger vor der Niederlassung Klagenfurt


Opening of the sceond branch office in Klagenfurt in September.

AfB AT is awarded the Company Social Award.



Nomination for the DAPHNE Award for environmental technology.

Awards in Germany:
“Impact Label”, Innovation Award of the Germany Economy.

Opening of the first Swiss AfB shop in Urdorf in 2014.

AfB Geschäftsleitung mit Urkunde beim Daphne Umweltpreis
AfB Shop Wien Ottakring


Founding of the AfB Foundation in Switzerland.

Second AfB shop opens in Vienna.


German Sustainability Award in the category:  “Germany’s Most Sustainable Future Strategies".

First AfB subsidiary in France

10th branch store opens in Berlin.

First hardware pick-up from Spain and Italy

Übergabe des Nachhaltigkeitspreises / Gewinner / Kunstobjekt / Ansprache / Applaus / Lächeln
Gebäudeansicht des AfB - Ladens der Niederlassung in Wien


First AfB shop outside Germany, opens in Vienna in August 2011



Expansion of AfB Germany.

Formation of AfB branche offices und shops in Stuttgart, Köln, Hannover, Unna und Essen.



Exterior view of the AfB shop in Hanover.
Kunst im Hauptgebäude


Founding of the AfB Non-profit GmbH on October 4, with offices in “Erlengraben” in Ettlingen and the warehouse in Emmendingen near Freiburg.


AfB Social & Green IT receives the SDG-Special-Award 2019

Kurt Essler mit SDG Award, einer Frau und einem Mann auf dem Foto (credits: photographer Werner Streitfelder): v.l.n.r. Mag. Andreas Zakostelsky, Member of the board - VBV Vorsorgekasse, Kurt Essler, Managing director - AfB, Moderator


Opening of the Recycling Centre in Paderborn.

Opening of the Logistics Location and Shop in Paderborn.

Exterior view of the AfB shop in Paderborn.


Nomination for the austrian CSR-Award TRIGOS 2016.

Nomination for the austrian clima protectrion Award.

Kick-off of the collaboration of AfB, Fujitsu and Diebold Nixdorf .

Kurt Essler bei Trigos 2025


Opening of the sceond branch office in Klagenfurt in September.

AfB AT is awarded the Company Social Award.


ein AfB Auto mit Anhänger vor der Niederlassung Klagenfurt


Nomination for the DAPHNE Award for environmental technology.

Awards in Germany:
“Impact Label”, Innovation Award of the Germany Economy.

Opening of the first Swiss AfB shop in Urdorf in 2014.

AfB Geschäftsleitung mit Urkunde beim Daphne Umweltpreis


Founding of the AfB Foundation in Switzerland.

Second AfB shop opens in Vienna.

AfB Shop Wien Ottakring


German Sustainability Award in the category:  “Germany’s Most Sustainable Future Strategies".

First AfB subsidiary in France

10th branch store opens in Berlin.

First hardware pick-up from Spain and Italy

Übergabe des Nachhaltigkeitspreises / Gewinner / Kunstobjekt / Ansprache / Applaus / Lächeln


First AfB shop outside Germany, opens in Vienna in August 2011


Gebäudeansicht des AfB - Ladens der Niederlassung in Wien


Expansion of AfB Germany.

Formation of AfB branche offices und shops in Stuttgart, Köln, Hannover, Unna und Essen.



Exterior view of the AfB shop in Hanover.


Founding of the AfB Non-profit GmbH on October 4, with offices in “Erlengraben” in Ettlingen and the warehouse in Emmendingen near Freiburg.

Kunst im Hauptgebäude

Learn more about the AfB and be a part of the success story.

References Becoming a partner