Make the social-ecological commitment of your company visible!

1. First hardware drop off

The hardware exchange can be experienced directly by employees and offers a comprehensible reason to tell a story around the following questions: What happens to our used hardware? How will the data be deleted? Do I have a possibility to take over my work equipment? What does "refurbished" mean? Is the old hardware sold to the highest bidder or are we doing something good with it?

2. Presentation of the csr-certificate 

By handing over decommissioned hardware, your company has helped to save raw materials, emissions of greenhouse gases and energy, and to secure jobs for people with disabilities. We report the individual contribution annually in the form of CSR certificates according to type of equipment and remarketing quota. These indicators are particularly suitable for external communication and sustainability reporting.

3. Employee actions

All employees of our partners receive a discount when buying IT hardware in AfB shops and in the AfB online shop. Very popular and excellent for internal communication are sales events, which AfB offers at your location or our partner weeks.

Berichtswesen/ Jahresbericht der erzielten Mehrwerte der Zusammenarbeit / Unsere Partnerschaft als Teil des CSR Berichtes / Reporting / Mehrwert / Daten / Nachhaltigkeitsziele / Zahlen

We assist you in your CR reporting

We would love to assist you in compiling your sustainability reports. Have a look at our manuals and text modules.

CSR download     

Support social projects

Ein Mädchen und ein Junge schauen von ihren Sitzplätzen in der Schule ,zurück Foto: Tyler Olson /

In order to raise awareness for inclusion and the refurbishing used IT hardware, AfB supports several projects to visualize and address socially-relevant issues.

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