Certified data destruction

for companies & public authorities

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Zertifizierte Datenlöschung

Sichere Datenlöschung für Unternehmen: Der Schutz Ihrer Firmendaten hat bei uns oberste Priorität. Mit der Löschsoftware Blancco löschen wir die Daten zuverlässig und sicher. Sie erhalten auditfähige Löschberichte als Nachweise.

Gerne beraten wir Sie zu unseren Löschmethoden und dem Umgang mit defekten oder remapped Sektoren, HPA/DCO-Bereichen, SSDs und Mobilgeräten.

Data erasure with Blancco

For secure data erasure, we rely on the certified Blancco erasure software with component recognition. Our data erasure is based on BSI, GDPR & internationally recognised erasure standards. Depending on the data carrier, we carry out data erasure as follows:

  • Magnetic data carriers: Blancco erasure method "BSI-GS" (BSI basic protection)
  • Electronic data carriers (e.g. SSD, eMMC, NVMe): "Blancco SSD Erasure", "NIST 800-88 Purge" or "NIST 800-88 Clear"
  • iOS operating systems: Blancco erasure method "Apple iOS erasure"
  • Android operating systems: Blancco erasure method "Aperiodic Random Overwrite"
  • Other mobile devices (Chromebooks, wearables, etc.): Reset to factory settings according to manufacturer specifications
  • Print and screen devices: According to the recommendation of the respective manufacturer or depending on the type of data carrier as in point 1 or 2
  • Network components: Blancco Network Device Eraser, manual device reset or disassembly incl. mechanical destruction



Your are interested in secure data destruction?

Two AfB co-workers are working in the department of data erasure at the AfB headquarters.

Phone: +49 7243 20000-141
Email: partner@afb-group.eu

Get in touch with us.

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