AfB is the first social enterprise that has been complying with the EU CSR Directive on non-financial reporting – since 2015.

Doing CSR work with AfB

As an AfB partner, you can perform qualified CSR work at little cost and personal effort. Providing you with detailed information on our work is a top priority for us. Learn more about our staff and CSR measures.

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In our day-to-day business, we go the extra mile to solve social problems on a basis of partnership and social entrepreneurship.

Promote social entrepreneurship

Promote social entrepreneurship

We want to support successful, non-profit companies in finding solutions to the challenges of our society.

Ambassador of digital inclusion

Ambassador of digital inclusion

We want our employees to be content and successful ambassadors for digital inclusion.

Reduce electronic waste

Reduce electronic waste

We want to continue to develop our business model and cut back even more on electronic waste.

Continued development based on partnership

Continued development based on partnership

We want to develop cutting-edge approaches that are scalable and based on partnership.

Transparent reporting

Transparent reporting

We want to report on economic, social and ecological achievements with full transparency.

Act climate-positively

Act climate-positively

Through our creation of value, we aim to verifiably reduce damage to the environment.

CDP & WWF Best Practice Publication

Unternehmerisches Klimamanagement entlang der Wertschöpfungskette / CDP WWF Klimareport 2017 - eine Sammlung guter Praxis -

Our partnership approaches in reducing negative environmental impacts have been recognized as being excellent.

Climate report     


Our positive impact has been confirmed

TU Berlin confirms AfB’s resource savings and emission reductions.

Doing CSR work with AfB

As an AfB partner, you can perform qualified CSR work at little cost and personal effort. Providing you with detailed information on our work is a top priority for us. Learn more about our staff and CSR measures.

learn more     

Providing you with detailed information on our work is a top priority for us. Learn more about our staff and CSR measures.

People CSR Overview